UI/UX Design | Website Design & Development


Jun. 2022 - Oct. 2022

Jtonic is a design and construction company offering their customers one-stop design-build services. The objective of this project is to re-design the website for Jtonic. The outdated website contains very little information about the company.



In this project, I worked with a senior designer and the founder, to design a logo and a UI style guide, which are used in building the brand identity. Additionally, I re-designed the information architecture of the website, and delivered high-fidelity prototypes. 


In my design, I aim to convince the audience, who are potential customers, that Jtonic is a fully insured, trustworthy, and transparent company. To build credibility and trust, I redesigned Jtonic’s website to include detailed information about its service, work processes, and guarantees. My overall visual strategy is to present the audience with a clean and professional view when browsing services through the website. The redesign provides a user-friendly web experience while evoking an inspiring sense of design.

Comprehensive Information for  professionalism impression.

Quickly discover and learn about Jtonic’s services and portfolios.


Prior to redesigning the website, I conducted a heuristic evaluation of its current interface in order to identify the issues to focus on.

︎︎︎ Impression of the Old Website
  • Clean and minimal
  • Lack of visual styles and consistent branding
  • Look like a portfolio page on the landing page
  • Customers do not trust it upon entering the site
    (user experience)
  • No web conventions to follow
  • User flow is too short and unclear
  • No information about the company and services on the landing page
  • No booking instructions


I put myself into the users’ shoes and experienced a mega search experience of Jtonic as a customer looking for home renovation service. Then I conducted the SWOT analysis that helped me identify design opportunity areas at the early stage. I found that:

In order to deliver precise and easy-to-search information to potential customers, I need to collect and input the necessary company info to the website, and create a solid branding package for design consistancy. 


I then looked into the design-build industry to see how Jtonic could be highlighted among the competitors.

I found that:
  • Jtonic is fully insured and licensed, guaranteed by one-year warranty after the completion of the job.
  • Jtonic is not limited to full home renovation projects, its service covers from small personal projects to larger commercial projects;
  • Jtonic is transparent about its working process;

These areas will be emphasized on the redesign, since they are strong and valid points to build trust with customers.


Part of cultivating trust with the audience was to enhance Jtonic’s brand with a better logo and a consistent style guide for its website.

By embracing modernism and minimalism from the original design, I sought to build a more intimate and elegant visual identity that would help the brand build trust with customers at first glance. 



Jtonic website, as the direct channel for customer inquiries, lacks accessible information and a consistent web structure, which would cause Jtonic to lose credibility and potential customers.


Before I jumped into designing,
  • I communicated with the company founder and other stakeholders to collect and evaluate the information to add to the website.

During the iterative process,
  • I incorporated effectivewebsite patterns to improve web usability, from a consistent header to a distinctive footer.
  • I expanded the About the Company session to include its team members and value proposition highlight.
  • I divided the Company Services into sections and added more inquiry buttons to increase the click rates for customers looking for the specific service.
  • I emphasized the Work Procedure as it’s essential to be open and transparent with the clients and build trust.
  • I added the project information to the Company Projects so the clients could get an estimated time and budget for their project by viewing.
  • I added prompt questions to the Contact Form to increase communication efficiency between the client and the company.
  • I also met with the stakeholders frequently during the wireframe iteration process to discuss improvable areas. I created several wireframes versions and refined them based on their feedback and usability testing.



👀 Business Scope 

As a first-time working for a real-world project, the Jtonic UX design internship was a challenging but rewarding journey. The project required me to consider the business scope of the design, and to break down the business objectives into feasible UX design solution. For example, it required a deep understanding of the company's goals and target audience to create a user-friendly and informative website that would build trust with potential customers and increase quote inquiries.

🔊 Collaboration & Communication 

One of the most important aspects of this project was collaboration and communication development. Throughout the project, I worked closely with another designer, the founder, and other stakeholders to ensure that the design met the project's goals and aligned with the company's brand. I learned to collaborate effectively by taking feedback constructively and incorporating it into the design process.

©  Lynette Huang 2023

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